March Mathness: The Final Four

It’s time for the Final Four!

The Collaborative for Student Success’ March MATHness tournament is narrowing down the contenders for the championship spot! Which state and district math efforts hold the greatest promise for students? In these semi-final matches, Kentucky’s longstanding Math Achievement Fund faces down novel policies to automatically enroll eligible students in advanced math courses, while the statewide adoption of popular learning platform Zearn takes on the highly favored Alabama Numeracy Act.

Our three judges – Chad Aldmeman of EduProgress, Jocelyn Pickford of CurriculumHQ, and Dale Chu of AssessmentHQ – share their picks and this round’s winners:

Kentucky’s Math Achievement Fund vs Automatic Enrollment in Advanced Math (TX and NC)

Chad Aldeman: Kentucky has a lot going for it here, including a proven record of success in helping kids learn more math (plus some spillover benefits for reading and attendance). But I’m going with automatic enrollment policies here for their sheer simplicity and ability to scale. Any school, district, or state leader could (and should!) use enrollment policies that automatically identify kids who show they are ready to succeed in advanced math opportunities. 

Pick: Automatic Enrollment in Advanced Math Courses (Texas and North Carolina)


Jocelyn Pickford: I’m on team Kentucky for this match-up. Going on 20 years strong, this play focuses on teacher training and support with direct attention to high-quality curricular resources and evidence of success.

Pick: Kentucky’s Math Achievement Fund


Dale Chu: If there’s one entrant in this year’s tournament that best embodies the use of assessment data for smart and strategic decision-making, it’s automatic enrollment in advanced mathematics. By expanding access to higher-level math for historically marginalized students, AE earns my double thumbs up to move on to the championship round.

Pick: Automatic Enrollment in Advanced Math Courses (Texas and North Carolina)


WINNER: Automatic Enrollment in Advanced Math Courses (Texas and North Carolina)


Alabama Numeracy Act vs Statewide Adoption of Zearn

Chad Aldeman: This is a close one. I’m a big fan of Zearn and their statewide partnerships, but Alabama has the more comprehensive approach, with math coaches in every elementary school K-5, high-quality instructional materials, and, ultimately, interventions for any school where students continue to lag behind in math.

Pick: Alabama Numeracy Act

Jocelyn Pickford: I expect to see Zearn contend for the national spotlight in years to come and this one comes down to the buzzer, but Alabama prevails with a strong focus on high-quality educator support and instructional materials as well as student interventions and the infrastructure to support implementation and evaluation of success.

Pick: Alabama Numeracy Act

Dale Chu: From Tennessee to Texas, and now in my home state of Colorado, more schools and districts are turning to Zearn to help boost math scores. It’s a high quality program, and I’m encouraged to see states stepping in to help make it more readily available. The combination of great materials and great policy provides ample reason to give Zearn the nod to advance.

Pick: Statewide Adoption of Zearn 


WINNER: Alabama Numeracy Act


Stay tuned for the championship match in our March MATHness tournament – and follow @StudentSuccess on X/Twitter, LinkedIn, Threads, BlueSky, or Facebook to let us know which practice you think deserves to take the top spot!

Here are descriptions for the full suite of contenders:

AI-powered Khanmigo — The Khan Academy team has created a new AI-powered tool in hopes of providing personalized tutoring for students at a relatively low cost, while enabling teachers to quickly create customized lesson plans or rubrics. Early reviews suggest the tool, called Khanmigo, could be a helpful instructional aid, but others have noted that it has a tendency to make basic mathematical errors

Alabama Numeracy Act — Comprehensive statewide legislation that ensures every elementary school has a math coach; and sets up a process to vet and approve high-quality instructional materials and curricula; creates a task force to help ensure teacher preparation programs are effective for new elementary math educators; establishes academies to help build a pipeline of principals trained in effective math intervention strategies.

Alabama’s Summer Adventures in Learning (SAIL) —Focuses on overcoming summer learning loss by bringing together youth and community groups, faith-based organizations, philanthropy, municipal agencies and schools to pool their knowledge and resources to create summer enrichment programs. In 2023, participating students gained an average of three months in math, marking the 11th straight summer the program has led to academic improvement.

Arkansas LEARNS Act — Signed into law last year, the measure requires that schools develop math intervention plans for third- through eighth-graders not performing at grade level. By the 2024-25 school year, each district must report the type of interventions they’re using and the number of students receiving them.

Automatic enrollment in advanced math courses (Texas and North Carolina) — The use of data to enroll low-income and students of color in advanced math classes — eliminating the need for parents and caregivers to opt their students into those classes — has helped to double the number of Black and brown students in accelerated math courses in Texas alone. In North Carolina, the policy runs from elementary through high school, ensuring access in those critical early and middle grades. Enrollment in advance math has increased by tens of thousands of students and math scores are trending up overall. Prior to the policy, ~13% of eligible students were not enrolled in advance math in 8th grade. That gap has been cut dramatically to just 2%, and the pool of eligible students has also increased.

Colorado HB 23-1231, Improving Mathematics Outcomes in K-12 — Comprehensive statewide legislation that combines free training in evidence-informed practices for elementary school and secondary school mathematics educators, with a focus on the promotion and use of high-quality curricula and assessment. 

Delaware Math Coalition — An alliance of leaders from public school districts, charter schools, colleges, the state Department of Education and the business sector have developed seven programs with the goal of delivering high-quality professional learning opportunities and experiences that advance effective math instruction.

Kentucky HB 162 — While not yet signed into law, this bill is noteworthy for targeting grades 4 to 8, rather than the early grades. The measure calls for increased access to “evidence-based high-quality instructional resources,” mandatory improvement plans for struggling students and universal math screening.

Kentucky’s Math Achievement Fund — Created back in 2005, this effort provides grants for math coaches, the purchase of high-quality materials and extra time for teachers to engage in professional learning of the new mathematics materials purchased. The Center for Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Education research that the program’s combination of targeted interventions, peer coaching and educator collaboration improved math achievement in grades K-3. Gains were also seen in other areas, like increased student attendance and decreased disciplinary incidents, and were evident across racial and ethnic groups.

Massachusetts Math Acceleration Academies — These are designed to offer added time on task in small-class settings, with four-plus hours of in-person math instruction for one week per student, during vacation weeks throughout the school year. The academies are required to use multiple forms of assessment to monitor student progress and enable teachers to tailor lessons to meet the needs of the students they are serving.

New Jersey Tutoring & Coaching Supports/Rekindle Education — The New Jersey Tutoring Corps serves students statewide in pre-K through eighth grade during school, after school and over the summer. Following seven to 15 weeks of high-impact tutoring, the program saw a 24 percentage point increase in the number of students performing at or above grade level — and 90% of students emerge from the program say they feel like they could help their friends with math. Complementing the statewide effort is a small pilot program offering math teachers one-on-one and small group coaching on core instructional strategies. 

Performance-based tutoring contracts (Ector County, Texas, et al.) — An innovative approach that uses a “pay for success” model whereby tutoring companies earn more money if students make progress on the district’s interim assessments (MAP tests). This approach encourages providers to become more engaged and to follow up with students if they missed tutoring sessions, all while shifting the burden away from already overworked teachers. 

Play-in Round: California’s Math Framework VS. Louisiana’s “Back to Basics in Math” — In perhaps the most talked-about policy change in math last year, the state of California approved a new learning framework for all public schools. The new framework, in the works for four years, is designed to connect learning to real-world uses of math and data, while helping to ensure that students see themselves in the curriculum and in math-related careers by making instruction more culturally relevant. Louisiana’s 2023 law requires math teachers in grades 4 to 8 to take additional professional development related to numeracy. School districts must report annually on the number who have successfully done so.

Statewide adoption of Zearn (Nebraska, Louisiana, Colorado, Ohio) — These states now offer this high-quality math supplemental resource free to all public school students. Studies show that consistent use of Zearn results in larger student gains on state assessments, including significant proficiency gains for the lowest-performing math students, English learners, Black and Latino students, and those eligible for free and reduced-price lunch.

Texas Math Solution — This interactive tool gives educators real-time data insights about student performance, and its middle school math program is rated all green on EdReports. Muleshoe Independent School District saw a 333% improvement on the state’s annual math assessment after switching to this curriculum. 

West Virginia’s Third Grade Success Act — Establishes an approved list of screeners and math benchmark assessments for K-3 students that must be given in the first 30 days of the school year, midyear and at the end of the year. This is a strong approach to thoughtful use of data to target supports and interventions based on student need and to develop individualized improvement plans for those not meeting benchmarks.

About the Author

Chad Aldeman is a nationally recognized expert on education policy, including school finance; teacher preparation, evaluation, and compensation; and state standards, assessment, and accountability. Keep up with Chad on the EduProgess: Unpacked blog.

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